Resource of the Month :: Social Media
Who loves to shop? Better question: Who doesn’t? If you are currently struggling to find the perfect gift for someone who has everything, I bet you our online store has something that they will love and cherish. If you are currently struggling with an area or issue in your life, I bet you our online store has something that you’ll love and learn from. If you’ve attended a Grace Based Parenting conference and want to immerse yourself or your spouse with more grace-filled knowledge, I bet you our online store has a publication just right for you. If you are in a church small group and looking for references or an exciting new lesson based book, I bet you our online store has just the thing. Our online store is an awesome place to find all of Dr. Tim Kimmel’s publications – even the ebook versions! The store is easy to navigate too. We have already organized the items by categories for you and will suggest similar items once you’ve selected a certain resource. What better place to spend money and not have an ounce of guilt about it!? Happy shopping!