Although we describe the grace based blueprint through the lens of parenting, this is a blueprint for all relationships. We want to treat everyone in our life the way God treats us, with grace.
Education Equipping Encouragement for your family?
Grace Based Families lives to educate, equip and encourage families for every age and stage of life. Find what you're looking for here.
Get started on your journey
Grace Based Families has created teaching resources, books and e-content, live events, streaming events and online Q&A resources to strengthen the family.
Looking for something to jumpstart your marriage? Wanting to engage with others who are passionate about growth? Join us for one of our live events.
Grace Based Families has over 20 years of resource specific content, books, audio-recordings, courses and materials to help you grow your family.

"Parenting is hard, but it doesn't have to be exhausting."
We all want our families to be happy and connected. So, of course, we do everything we can to do what’s best for our kids and create a happy, connected home. But our plan often backfires. Parenting is hard! And for many of us, the very things we do to improve our
families (good schools, sports, great neighborhoods, amazing vacations, great jobs), end up working against us.
With over thirty years working with parents just like you, we’ve identified one of the driving problems with how we approach parenting.
Simply put, the “success myth” tells parents...READ MORE
Marriage should make couples thrive, but it often does the opposite. It may be the constant fighting and the inability to communicate. Or it may be the insecurity you feel when you worry marriage may not work out the way you hoped.
Regardless of what is facing you in your marriage, we understand. We have been there and have a staff at all stages of the marriage journey.
"The missing thing in your marriage may not be what you think."
But we’ve also seen thousands of couples go from a disappointing marriage headed for disaster to a thriving partnership filled with love, romance, and delight...READ MORE

"Grandparenting is relevant and necessary for healthy families."
Age should never make you irrelevant in your family. Being a grandparent is one of the greatest callings of a person. But too often, grandparents are not really in the picture.
Grace Based Families believes that one of the best things for a family is a grace-based grandparent leading their family with grace and investing in their family with wisdom.
Let God use you in your golden years to make a difference in your family and see it set free through the power of God’s grace...READ MORE
Pastors should spend their time caring for families, not planning conferences. Grace Based Families wants to empower pastors to bring healing to the families in their church without having to develop the curriculum or plan out the event.
We know how hard it is to walk through the messiness of people’s lives, so we have made it as easy as browsing our options and scheduling a phone call.
"You be the pastor, we'll do the programming."
Set the families in your church free through the power of God’s grace. Browse the options, schedule a call, and see your church transform through the power of God’s grace...READ MORE

What people have to say
We love to hear how God is moving powerfully in people's lives through our ministry. Here is what a few people have to say.
Latest Blog Posts
Check out our latest blog posts, news and articles. We have articles on a range of topics such as the leaving certificate and career guidance.
Exciting news about the future of Grace Based Families
Since Grace Based Families started forty years ago, it has been committed to helping individuals, families and churches treat one another the way God treats them – with grace. Though […]
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Mother’s Day
As we get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day, we’d like to pay tribute to the women who have shaped our lives. In our busyness, we sometimes forget just how much […]
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One Last Time
When Tim and I became parents, we knew this was the most important job that we would ever be given. And we were convinced that God would not have assigned […]
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