Helping marriages thrive
It doesn’t take long for couples to
realize that the honeymoon won’t last forever.
Marriage should make couples thrive, but it often times does the opposite.
It may be the constant fighting and the inability to communicate. Or it may be the insecurity you feel when you worry marriage may not work out the way you hoped.
Regardless of what is facing you in your marriage, we understand. We have been there and have a staff at all stages of the marriage journey.
But we’ve also seen thousands of couples go from a disappointing marriage headed for disaster to a thriving partnership filled with love, romance, and delight.
And the difference is the plan couples work from. Many couples come into marriage with the wrong plan (or no plan) and find that marriage brings out the worst in them. The plan many couples work from is a lie we call “the fulfillment myth.”

The “fulfillment myth” is simply the belief that the goal of marriage is to be fulfilled by your spouse.
After thirty years of working with couples, we can tell you that this is the quickest way to ruin a relationship.
We need a new plan! Which is why we have the Grace-Based Blueprint.
If you’re ready for your marriage to thrive, we’d love to help. Be sure to click on the Grace Based Blueprint to see how the power of grace can set your marriage free.
We also have a number of resources for couples, including books, small group studies and conferences.
If you’re ready for your marriage to thrive, we’d love to help. Be sure to click on the Grace Based Blueprint to see how the power of grace can set your marriage free.