Basic Training for a Few Good Kids

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Basic Training for a Few Good Kids

It’s time for the kids to re up for another tour of duty and get back to navigating the culture wars. Here’s a few training exercises to make sure they are prepared for what they might encounter.

1.  Have the “Talk” or a refresher course. Kids are bombarded with sexual images all day long and they need to have a safe place to talk and ask questions. Initiate the conversation and tell them that you are always available and that you are praying for them. If you need some help, we recommend the age graduated God’s Design for Sex series.

2.  Increase their privileges as well as their responsibilities. Our job is to prepare our children for the challenges they will face. Pair the extra privileges that they long for as they get older with equally maturing responsibilities. If they are old enough to have a cell phone, they are old enough to help with the housekeeping or yard work and to keep you informed of their plans when they’re out and about.

3.  Keep chaos from getting the upper hand. Make sure everyone is on the same page as far as morning routines and afternoon homework rules. Get the backpacks filled, desks cleared off and bedtimes adjusted.

4.  Prepare your children for the minefields of social sharing. Never before have so many cultural enemies had access to our children’s minds and hearts as today in the world of social media. It’s inevitable that the enemy will have your children in their scope but make sure that you are supervising them along the way and training them to avoid the enemy fire and use these great media tools for good.

5. Encourage grace based relationships all the way around. Parents can set the pace for the kids when it comes to how the family functions and lead the way when it comes to being an asset to the teachers and other students. One of the best ways Mom can come alongside their kids and their school is by becoming a part of Moms In Touch International.

    {Originally published in 2011}

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