{31 Days of Prayer for Your Children} Day 23 :: HUMBLE
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
– Micah 6:8 {ESV}
We are a part of God’s beautiful creation. But all too often we become so proud and full of our own importance that we forget we are in fact the creation… and not the Creator. Our pride does a disservice to us all for when we are big there is no room for God’s glory. When we are small, and humble, we can see our need for complete dependence on God and His glory shines and lights up the world. Pray that the next time you or your child is tempted toward pride that you would remember Micah 6:8 and that you would remember that a prideful heart is the opposite of what the Lord requires of us all. Pray that God would fill you both with humility as His creation.
~ Resource of the Day ~
Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right

This is Day 23 of our 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children Challenge.
Please be sure to follow along this month as we encourage parents to be intentional about praying for their children. Read all of our 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children posts by clicking here.
We’ve also created a calendar (two color options) that you can download and print to keep at your desk, on your fridge or wherever you’ll see it and be reminded to pray.