10 Ways to be a Great Classmate
This school year is going to look very different than ever before. But, whether your kids are distance learning, returning to school in person, or some hybrid of the two, being a good classmate is more important than ever.
1. Be a friend to everyone in your class, not just the popular kids.
2. Invite the kids who are consistently left out of activities to a virtual play date or to hang out on zoom or FaceTime. Try to include everyone you can in conversations, birthday celebrations and holiday festivities.
3. Be pleasant to everyone, especially your teacher. Smile, look people in the eyes, call them by name and be interested in them as individuals.
4. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into antagonism against your teacher– whether in the classroom or elsewhere. Refuse the peer pressure to be disruptive, regardless of whether or not you think your teacher deserves it.
5. Never allow yourself to be drawn into a group conspiracy against your teacher. Whether it’s fellow students of their parents, deal with any problem you have with your teacher individually. Avoid any attempt by the class or their parents to gang up on a teacher regarding an issue.
6. Help students who may be struggling to connect with the class or figure out the subject. As much as possible, do whatever you can to raise the emotional and intellectual stock value of the entire classroom.
7. Don’t hog discussions, show off you intellect, or critique fellow students’ answers in such a way as to embarrass them.
8. When you go to be at night, pray for your teacher and fellow students who may be struggling.
9. Be an enthusiastic participant in as many school activities as are available during this difficult time. Take any chance to cheer on your classmates, or celebrate their talents and hard work.
10. Recognize that there are some kids around you who are struggling with their mental health. This is a time where there is lots of fear and isolation in addition to some of the heavy burdens that kids often have to navigate like divorce of their parents, a mom or dad who is sick, or a sibling who is struggling.