Lord of the Rings vs. Foster Care & Adoption

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Lord of the Rings vs. Foster Care & Adoption

I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings books and movies.  The movies do take on different meanings and scenes then the books do sometimes, but they are both enjoyable.  There is a scene in the 2nd LOTR movie, The Two Towers, that speaks volumes to me about foster care and adoption. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, it’s a classic good vs. evil type story.  In this particular scene one of the characters named Merry is trying to convince a group of supernatural creatures called the Ents to engage in the war of good and evil.  The Ents are trees, and the leader is named Treebeard.  Treebeard comes to Merry and his companion, Pippen, and tells him the Ents have decided not to engage in the battle.  Merry is outraged at the decision, and asks why, and Treebeard answers, “This is not our war.”  Merry’s response is simple, and powerful – “But you’re part of this world!” When it comes to foster care and adoption, it is convenient to take the position of Treebeard.  We can safely state the “war” of foster care/adoption is not ours, and justify it by saying we’ve not been “called” to do so, or we’re not ready to do so, etc…but Merry’s response to Treebeard reminds us of a greater truth.  We ARE part of this world, and as such are seen by God as part of the solution to things like foster care/adoption.  Maybe it is not to foster or adopt, but maybe it is to use your financial blessings for those who are – maybe it is to use your ability as a counselor to develop support groups – maybe it is to utilize your business to engage in fundraising and awareness.  The reality is as agents of the kingdom of God, we are part of this world, and we are agents of change.  So many times I hear the phrase, “Not of this world” used by Christians, and I cringe.  This statement comes from Jesus’ prayer in John 17, verse 16 where he prays, “They (the disciples) are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”  When understanding scripture however, context is everything, and in verse 15 Jesus does not ask that God “take them out of the world” but instead declares in verse 17 that just as Jesus was sent into the world, so he also has sent them into the world.  When we take too strong a grasp on the “not of this world” statement, we forget that indeed we are in this world to bring change, and the area of foster care/adoption is one of many areas that cries out for our response and involvement.  Jesus’ intent was never for us to be disengage from this world’s needs – his intent was to give us new life through him, so that we might be agents of new life for others. Why foster and/or adopt?  Because we are part of this world…and this world needs us.    

Interested in adoption or fostering a child? Attend Family Matters “Foster & Adoptive Parenting Conference” – Click HERE for more information.


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