10 Ways to Build a Great Attitude in Your Kids’ Hearts Toward God

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10 Ways to Build a Great Attitude in Your Kids’ Hearts Toward God

1. Have a joyful faith. Believe big. Trust huge. Let your children see a belief in God that makes you a much happier and more agreeable person to live with.
2. Be actively involved in a thriving church. Find a church that exudes a mighty joy and an exciting attitude toward God.
3. No matter what church you go to, refuse to criticize the people who serve you. Love your pastor, worship leader, youth workers, Sunday school teachers and volunteers. If there is a genuine concern, deal with the person face-to-face in a spirit of grace, love and kindness. Anything short of that and we become the real problem.
4. Do not speak unkindly about your church or people who serve in the church, around your children. The Church is Jesus’ bride, and if we insult the church we insult the Lord. Also, bitter talk and a critical spirit make us a pawn in Satan’s hand.
5. Pray for the people who serve your church.
6. Pull your weight. Volunteer your time, your spiritual gifts, and your sweat to carry the burden of service to your church. Sign up to work in the nursery and Sunday school program. Remember: it’s not about us.
7. Set the example for your children by consistently supporting your church financially.
8. If the worship is getting too loud and too enthusiastic for you, bring some tissue for your ears, smile, worship your heart out, and be excited for the new generation of believers who are being ministered to. Once again, it’s not about us.
9. Decide once and for all that you love God’s word. Make it a daily part of your routine. When you pray, lift up each one of your children and grandchildren by name…everyday! Let you kids find God’s Word in your lap and his Love in your heart.
10. Bring your family to church every Sunday, and encourage them during the week. Pray with them and for them. Minister to your children’s hearts throughout the week so that they can show up for church ready to love God and love others.

#grace #raisingkidsfortruegreatness #buildingfaith

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