Are You a Fun Parent?
When was the last time you did something really fun with your children? Do you find yourself uttering more and more, “I can’t I am too busy!” Hey parents…I have a suggestion, the next time you think, Nah, I can’t do that! May I suggest you smack yourself upside the head and say out loud – “Heck yeah, that sounds fun – I can do that!” Sometimes I think as parents we do so much and work so hard that when it comes to just stopping and having fun we sabotage ourselves by thinking we can’t take the time for the fun things in life. Shame on us. “I can’t” is something we teach our children not to say, because we want them to know they can do anything…with the right attitude. The same is true for us parents too! Now, I am not talking about running a marathon with your kids – by all means, knock yourself out if you are feeling that! But for the rest of us, I am talking about just getting up and out and DOING with your family. I went golfing this morning with my hubby and son and there were so many “practical and responsible” things I thought I should have been doing…but I decided what the heck – I’m going golfing! I am SO GLAD I did, we created some great memories and I had lots of fun! So…I am officially challenging you to toss aside responsibility. What fun can you go have with your kids today?