Relevant Update
Steph and I had a wonderful time at the Relevant Conference: a blogging conference for Christian women. We were very impressed with all the speakers and the amazing wisdom they had to share. I appreciated that the conference speakers didn’t spend much time focusing on typical blogging topics such as advertising, monetization, increasing traffic and subscribers, Search Engine Optimization, etc. They had a few wonderful breakout sessions covering some of these practical subjects, but their main priority was to ask the question of us “Christian Bloggers:” How are you representing Christ with your blog? They put the spotlight on our hearts and encouraged authenticity, humility and grace. Less “how to” and more “why to.”
Family Matters is very pleased with our decision to sponsor the event. It’s always a risk to try something new, to be an early participant on the front side of a trend, but we’re so glad that we took this risk. We made so many amazing connections with the Christian women on the front lines of the Christ-loving, soul seeking, blogging revolution. We were even more pleased to be able to send them home with a Kids Flag Page kit to use with their kids and then share with their readers. The impact of this weekend could be very powerful for Family Matters and we know that regardless of outcome, God was present in that place and that He had gone before us to prepare all of our hearts to receive the wonderful messages of the weekend.