Have you ever been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness? Like someone ahead of you in line paying for your latte. It may have been a small gesture, but it made your day!
That’s what the Grace Forward Movement is! Grace Forward gives guests at our parenting and marriage events a book to keep and invites them to join our movement to let the grace they’ve been given flow through them to someone in the future.
If you received a gift at one of our events, or from a friend or loved one and you’d like to send that grace forward, you can donate right now to bless someone else! You can be the catalyst for a random act of kindness for someone who really needs it!
Even if you didn’t receive a free resource, you can provide one for families like first responders, military, single parents and prisoners who may not have the opportunity to attend one of our events.
There’s no amount too big or small! Won’t you join us?
Grace Forward…because when you get grace you can’t help but pass it on!