• turnkeysitedesign
  • February 4, 2021
  • 350
The “No Thank You” Bite

Do you have a picky eater? Young children and toddlers are developing rapidly and so new smells and tastes and textures can really feel overwhelming to them.  But it is […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • March 21, 2020
  • 350

Unfortunately, you’ve fallen into the trap of having your kids run the show. That needs to change. Start with a heart-to-heart with yourself and then have one with your kids. […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
movie choice

There are a lot more dynamics to this question than the simple one of whether or not a movie is acceptable for your child’s viewing. When kids are on the […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
helping dad

It sounds like you actually have two questions. On the one side, you’re struggling with your 10 year old being willing to spend time helping his dad when he’d rather […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350

I wouldn’t be the least bit worried about your boy’s salvation. In the first place, salvation isn’t a work of the parent or the result of stepped up devotions. It’s […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
sex talk

This is one of the most commonly asked questions at our conferences. Unfortunately, for many parents, it is the most dreaded, paralyzing, and tongue tying conversation they will ever have […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
working teens

When it comes to teenagers having jobs, there’s a few questions we need to ask first, like: Why do they need to be working? What is he/she going to be […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350

Do I ever?! We had the same situation with our first born. It was weekend after weekend. It wasn’t that the kids were doing anything wrong, it was just a […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
violent attacks

I can summarize the answer to this in four words: love, time, limits, and grace. Let’s start with love; I like to define it as the commitment of my will […]

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  • turnkeysitedesign
  • 350
holiday greediness

Ah, the age old question in a world of abundance. Never before have our children been marketed to so deliberately and relentlessly. Besides the print media, there is now non-stop […]

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