Tag: Ask Tim

  • Karis Murray
  • October 1, 2015
  • 350
How to Sift Through Parenting Advice

There’s so much parenting advice out there! With myriad voices claiming that their method is best, how do parents sift through all of the advice to find the truth? Following […]

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  • Tim Kimmel
  • November 1, 2013
  • 350
Ask Tim | Medication for A.D.D?

Q: My 14 year old son is struggling in school due to symptoms of A.D.D.  We are working with his teachers, but wondered what your opinion is of medications for […]

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  • Tim Kimmel
  • July 5, 2013
  • 350
Cool! They’re Finally Teenagers!

It’s pretty much universal. Once a man or woman receive the title of “father” or “mother” the dread begins. They watch their children going through the early stages of testing […]

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  • Tim Kimmel
  • June 28, 2013
  • 350
Ask Tim | Defiant Children

Q: I have a three year old who has recently begun challenging everything my husband and I ask of him. We were recently trained in a “spare the rod” parenting […]

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