Tag: bible verses

  • Sonia Cleverly
  • August 3, 2015
  • 350
A Way with Words

  I love, love, love words.  I love to read them, speak them, think about them, analyze them, and put them together.  I love the precision of some of them.  […]

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  • Grace Based Families Staff
  • July 9, 2015
  • 350
Love is a Five Letter Word :: GRACE

The above file has been designed to be printed in an 8×10 format. What you do with the images is really up to you.  Pin it.  Print it.  Frame it. […]

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  • Tamara Collins
  • May 11, 2015
  • 350
Identity in Christ

  Confrontation is hard, especially when it is unexpected. Some time ago I met with a friend. She had asked for some time together where she could share some things […]

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  • Michelle Donnelly
  • May 4, 2015
  • 350
Signing Off

  When you drop your child off for the day, what’s your sign-off phrase?   “Have a great day!” “Don’t forget your lunch.” “I love you.” “Remember to turn in […]

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  • Grace Based Families Staff
  • December 16, 2014
  • 350
The Christmas Bell

The Birth of Jesus Changed Everything! Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! – II Cor. 9:15 THE BELL I KNOW WHO I AM I am God’s child (John 1:12) […]

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  • Stacy Edwards
  • October 24, 2014
  • 350
Two Things That You and I Have in Common

  We live in a world that seeks out differences and loves divisiveness. The enemy is never more pleased with himself than when we are pointing fingers and hurling hurtful […]

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  • Edy Sutherland
  • October 2, 2013
  • 350
Trick or Teach

  She sat and listened, intently. A week later, while snuggled with me at bedtime, my almost 6 years old daughter asked, “Mommy, does God really answer prayers like that?” […]

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  • Jenny Gillespie
  • July 29, 2013
  • 350
VBS for Mommy

  Last week my younger two children attended a vacation bible school that really moved me. I was excited to hear about what they had learned that day and what […]

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