Tag: Character

  • Steve Rose
  • May 14, 2015
  • 350
When Grace Raises Your Kids

I am a pastor of a church that meets in an elementary school, therefore my kids and other kids of attendees usually run around and play hide and seek, etc…before […]

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  • Grace Based Families Staff
  • September 25, 2014
  • 350
10 Ways to Teach Your Children Faith

{an archive from 2012}   In Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right, Dr. Kimmel outlines Six Character Traits that all parents should strive to instill in their children to help prepare […]

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  • Weesner
  • August 11, 2014
  • 350
A Gift

  A small Asian woman sat back in her chair peacefully watching her granddaughter practice at gymnastics with her team. She had a baggie of walnuts in her lap and […]

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