Tag: life lessons

  • Tracey Bachert
  • July 14, 2016
  • 350
Show Pigs and Life

My brother and sister-in-law live on the farm where my sister-in-law grew up. This year they decided to teach their children, ages 6 and 9 how to raise pigs. Suzy was […]

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  • Darcy Kimmel
  • June 15, 2015
  • 350
Love, Darcy :: The Importance of Chores

We go through a lot of feather dusters at our house. Our current one is made of brightly colored yellow, green, purple, and pink feathers. On Saturday mornings it looks […]

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  • Joey Espinosa
  • June 10, 2015
  • 350
Gospel-Positive Correction

  When your child sins, can you correct him in a positive manner? Can you rebuke his actions in a way that  affirms him in Christ?   Of course, there […]

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  • Sonia Cleverly
  • December 23, 2014
  • 350
This Grace and That Grace

  My Christmas decorations are displayed.  My Christmas cards are delivered.  My Christmas shopping is not done.  It gets harder and harder to find the perfect gift for my teenage […]

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  • Jenny Gillespie
  • May 1, 2014
  • 350
My Idea vs. His Plan

“Are you sure you want to do this?  We are still pretty young…” I asked my husband the night before his “Let’s-make-sure-we-don’t-get-pregnant-again” surgery. He waited a while and then responded […]

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  • Cindi Ferrini
  • April 15, 2013
  • 350
Reality Check

My mother-in-law needed heart surgery. We went together to the doctor to make sure all her questions were answered. We wanted to know why she needed the surgery and how […]

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