Radio Wednesdays – The Truth Kids can Count On
In our relative culture, if you stand for absolute values don’t be surprised if you’re not the life of the party. Our children are growing up in an era where the lines separating right from wrong are poorly drawn and often moved at a whim. There is a consistent pushback towards people who attempt to mark moral boundaries in stone. Most of us know that love is preferable to hate, compassion beats indifference, freedom trumps tyranny, and brotherhood is better than prejudice. Advocate these values in absolute terms, however, and watch our relative culture bristle. The contrary voices that rail against absolute truth are especially loud when our love and compassion for the weak and defenseless drive us to hate evil and resist its influence. This calls for indifference from us. Our kids need to see to see us maintaining a courageous indifference towards the whining criticism of those who consistently oppose absolute truth. (This Family Matters Minute broadcast is based on Heart of the Home Newsletter, Fall 2008.) ©Copyright 2010 Family Matters and Dr. Tim Kimmel