Love, Darcy – iPod, iPhone, iPad, I yie yie!
You’d think we won the lottery and the check was in the mail the way Tim has been checking for the delivery of his much anticipated, brand new, majorly upgraded iPhone 4. I’m not sure how he got along with only the 16 gig iPhone 3 until now. And (lucky me), I’m inheriting his “old” iPhone. Now, this might be reason to celebrate for many people, but it fills me with trepidation and a little bit of dread.
Just when I was on the verge of mastering Tim’s last hand me down, my Blackberry, I am now going to have to go back to the classroom. And talk about a little hit to the self-esteem! I anticipate having issues figuring out how all the “apps” work and what all the noises mean so I’ve already identified my tech support team. They look a lot like our two grand daughters, Riley and Lydia, who both seem to have been born with an iPhone in their cribs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. (Oh, maybe just a little bit.) But, staying relevant and connected is a lot of work for me. I do have a request, though, for the next time they upgrade the iPhone: Could they make it a little bit more “acrylic nail friendly”? It’s going to take me forever to text since the heat sensitive touch screen means that I will be doing the equivalent of finger calisthenics in order for my fingertip to make contact with the screen. Come to think of it, there’s probably an app for that! Here’s to high tech and low expectations, Love, Darcy