Hardwired for Partnerships

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Hardwired for Partnerships

God knew what He was doing when He hardwired our hearts to need relationships.  We see this in Adam’s need for companionship, Jesus’ ministry with the 12 disciples, and Paul’s many mission trips across the early church.  The Old and New Testaments are packed with illustrations of how God accomplished mighty things when two or more came together in His name. As we enter into the year-end fundraising season, our team at Family Matters is reminded once again that while financial support is good and necessary…financial support alone does not accomplish ministry.  Only through a deeper relationship with our partners are we able to reach the world with the message of Grace and Greatness. Family Matters is a boutique ministry.  We are intentionally lean out of a desire to be diligent stewards and remain focused on the message God has entrusted us to deliver.  Our message, plain and simple, is all about Grace Based Relationships.  That is what we preach, and that is how we “do” ministry. Family Matters’ vision is to see families transformed by God into instruments of restoration and reformation. Simply put, we believe reaching families with the powerful message of Grace and Greatness will renew families, and those members will go on to do great and selfless things…making our world a better place.  Every week we receive stories of how families we have equipped with a blueprint for Grace Based Relationships (e.g. inner needs, four freedoms, character and greatness), are experiencing deep healing of wounds, a freedom from guilt, and improvements in relationships.  In short, moms and dads and husbands and wives are telling us that their families are on an entirely different trajectory as a result of God’s grace. This year, Family Matters has been busy spreading this message of grace.  Just this year Family Matters has:

  • Hosted more Raising Truly Great Kids conferences than ever
  • Experienced continued growth in the deployment of resources (books, video studies, and audio messages)
  • Enfolded new audiences with customized messages (U.S. Military, Foster Parents, Private Schools, Grandparents, and Special Needs Ministries)
  • Consulted with large suburban churches on how to introduce “Grace” into church culture as a catalyst for renewal and transformation
  • Witnessed the message of Grace Based Relationships take root in foreign countries with multiple book translations
  • Seen our following on Facebook, Twitter, and our blog grow exponentially
  • Expanded our reach through The Family Matters Minute airing daily on nearly 500 stations across the U.S. and Canada

If you look beyond the “what” we accomplished and into the “how” we did it, the answers is that we did this in partnership with our supporters.  In our most enthusiastic supporters we see a common theme.  Those that carry the message of grace to their communities through video studies, book clubs, discipling relationships and other means…in addition to supporting us financially…are the people that experience the most joy and witness the deepest transformation.  This isn’t surprising because Jesus told us that, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” As followers of our blog, we know you share a passion for families.  Knowing that our desire is partnership in ministry, we hope you will consider taking the next step to deepen your relationship with us.  Below are a few suggestions for things you can do to invest more fully.

  • “Like” us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Subscribe to our blog
  • Post a review of Grace Based Parenting on your own blog.  If you are interested in doing a blog review of Grace Based Parenting, contact us at  to learn how to receive a complimentary copy of the book).
  • Promote an upcoming Family Matters event
  • Lead a Grace Based Parenting small group study.  To learn more about the video study please visit gracebasedparenting.com

Of course we also welcome your financial contributions.  To discuss giving in more detail, contact Michael Tooker. Our vision of ministry at Family Matters is that we serve side-by-side with believers who share our passion for family.  Our hope is that we can bring you vital resources to educate, encourage, and equip you to take God’s message of grace into your homes, schools, churches, and communities.  If you have ideas for how we can equip you more fully, please let us know. We thank you for joining us in partnership.  As we gather and serve together in God’s name, we know that He will be present and active. Michael Tooker Director of Advancement

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