Making it Pro
While many children dream of one day donning the uniform of their favorite pro sports team, the journey can be an arduous one. And, while the benefits of participating in competitive sports are numerous, the sacrifices; physically, socially, financially and academically can be costly, especially since the elite only rise to the top levels of each sport.
Below you’ll find an infographic that illustrates a number of statistics that we’ve gathered to help illustrate the narrow road to Making it Pro.
“There is something extremely contagious about the desire for success. When you are bombarded at every television show, every athletic event, and every glance at the celebrity section of the newspaper, it’s easy to see how parents could unwittingly think that it might be in their children’s best interest to get a piece of the action before it’s all over. It’s also easy to see why so many parents assume that the world’s view of success is something their kids can’t live without.
Rather, we should aim to raise our kids for true greatness. True greatness is a passionate love for God that demonstrates itself in an unquenchable love and concern for others.
…If you spend the first eighteen years of your children’s lives building this extraordinary calling into their hearts, there is no stopping the eternal impact they will have.” – Dr. Tim Kimmel, Raising Kids for True Greatness