The Sisterhood of Twitter

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The Sisterhood of Twitter

It’s true, I’m always late to the party.  So, I was a late adopter to Twitter.  I just didn’t understand the purpose behind the seemingly random statements made throughout the day.  It seemed to be nothing more than an opportunity for folks to drop names and brag on themselves. And, for some, that is exactly how it works. Yet, I have discovered that it is much more. I am a trucker’s daughter – you will just have to go with me here for a moment. I passed a semi-truck and he was talking on his CB radio. I’m sure everyone knows how it works, but every trucker has a handle and that is how they are known across the radio waves.  (Random info: My dad’s handle was Mr. Clean, my brother was Southpaw and I was Little Bit.)  I always thought of the CB as just great fun. Now, I realize that it was a way for one trucker to say to another, I hear you out there.  You’re not alone. They would warn each other about road conditions, weather issues or speed traps.  They kept each other awake on those long overnight trips.  There is a bonding that takes place between folks who are traveling the same road. Twitter is just a modern version of the CB radio.  Whether I’m up all night weathering a storm, oooing and ahhing over someone‘s new baby or just interacting with a new friend (Hey, @TalysaM!), it’s a way for folks walking the same sod to interact and encourage each other.  It’s one mama saying to another, I hear you up in the middle of the night with that sick baby and you’re not alone.  It’s one person saying to another, I know that thing you’re going through is hard.  I’ve been there and I’m going to pray you through. It is one woman caring enough about another to say, Oh my word.  Have you seen these Nutella cupcakes? No, seriously.  Have you seen them?  You need to do so now.  I will wait… Twitter is new, but the idea behind it is not.  It is people craving community.  It is the way we were created. God did not make us to live in isolation. I’ll be honest, for an introvert like myself, the idea of community is difficult.  But God is stretching me.  He is reminding me that we are all members of a larger body and everyone must interact and do their part. In the same way we who are many are one body in Christ…  – Romans 12:5 So, let’s talk.  Let’s pray.  Let’s tweet.  Let’s lift each other up. …Pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.  – Ecclesiastes 4:10

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