{31 Days of Prayer for Your Children} Day 1 :: LOVE
Day 1 : Love
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
– I Peter 4:8 {ESV}
You’d be hard pressed to find a parent who doesn’t emphatically state that they love their children. Parents have, at times, an irrational love of their children. We know this is true, because when our kid throws a temper tantrum and launches their bowl of Cheerios across the room at us, we are angry with them, but we still deeply love them. While all parents love their kids, we need to express our love in ways that help our kids to feel secure, free and accepted. The Lord gives us a perfect example of how this looks because His love for us is unconditional and unmerited. That type of gracious love truly does cover a multitude of the mistakes that we will inevitably make as parents. Today, thank your Heavenly Father of His gracious love for you, and ask Him to help you love your children, spouse and those around you with that same type of unconditional love.
~ Resource of the Day ~

This is Day 1 of our 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children Challenge.
Please be sure to follow along this month as we encourage parents to be intentional about praying for their children.
We’ve also created a calendar (two color options) that you can download and print to keep at your desk, on your fridge or wherever you’ll see it and be reminded to pray.
Click here to download 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children {Option 1}
Click here to download 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children {Option 2}