{31 Days of Prayer for Your Children} Day 18 :: INTEGRITY
“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.”
– Proverbs 10:9 {ESV}
Integrity – a word we pray is a character quality of our children and ourselves. Most of us would describe integrity as living honestly and morally. Dictionary.com also defines it as “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.” I believe both those definitions are described in Proverbs 10:9 which states that if we live a life of integrity we will live securely with no need to hide or fear. In recent months I’ve had struggles with a child being dishonest. Lies break my heart. It’s been a challenge to impress upon my sweet one how destructive deceitfulness is to everyone. Allowing my child to suffer the consequences has been difficult and absolutely imperative. Living a life of integrity is non-negotiable. I hope for more for my children…honesty, morality and security. Lord, please give our children a desire to live a life of integrity. We pray that our children will trust that the truth is always best. May we model behavior that encourages our children to walk securely in the truth. Thank you Father, that you deliver, protect and guide us as we take each step with integrity.
~ Resource of the Day ~
Raising Kids Who Turn Out Right

This is Day 18 of our 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children Challenge.
Please be sure to follow along this month as we encourage parents to be intentional about praying for their children. Read all of our 31 Days of Prayer for Your Children posts by clicking here.
We’ve also created a calendar (two color options) that you can download and print to keep at your desk, on your fridge or wherever you’ll see it and be reminded to pray.