God Knows Our Name
“I said, ‘Can you put two Splendas into the tea please?” knowing full well that I am not going to understand what she says back to me. Somehow the drive thru window takes whatever I say and whatever the person answers and turns it into jibberish that I usually cannot hear. It was a long day. I had been driving the kids to crazy amounts of practices and games and rehearsals. They were tired and I was tired. I was in a hurry and I just needed some tea. I must confess I am usually pretty impatient at the drive-thru. I always think to myself, “If it is fast food, why am I not getting it faster?” But this last trip to McDonalds was different… I drove around to the “second window” and had my money ready. I asked the worker, “Are you having a good day?” I will never forget that look of insecurity, confusion, and anxiety. She paused for a moment and said, “Maria.” All my sinful impatience and need for speed went out of me with my breath. With a smile, I said quietly, “It’s nice to meet you, Maria. My name is Angie.” And then came her smile… So the next time any kind of impatience hits you, whether it’s the store clerk who has to change the ticker tape or the waitress that forgot to get the ranch dressing again, whether they know English or not, whether the impatience is with your child or even with yourself…everyone has a name. And the greatest thing is that God knows your name. And He knows your child’s name. He knows you. He created you to be perfect parent for your child. Not the perfect parent, but the perfect parent for your child. And the perfect wife for your husband. We are all still learning. But the One who created us is also the One to teach us. By His sweet grace, He gave us His word to know Him better and in the end, we will know Him better. And we will know the name of Jesus.