We are always scheduling new events.
If there’s not one listed in your area, please
check out our online streaming resources.

2 Day Marriage Event | Doxology Bible Church, Ft. Worth Texas

Doxology Bible Church 4805 Arborlawn Dr, Ft. Worth

Love is what gets couples married; but, unfortunately, it’s often not enough to keep them married. Even lasting marriages have a way of feeling tired, burdensome and stale if they […]


Grandparenting Event | Jacksonville, FL

Dr. Tim Kimmel is a Keynote Speaker at the Legacy Coalition Grandparenting Event which is full of two inspiring days to help you build your legacy. This event can be […]

Grandparent & Parenting Event | Houston, TX

Dr. Tim Kimmel will be hosting a grandparenting session on how grandparents have a vital role in their grandchildren's lives. Following this session he'll offer session for parents on grace-based […]

Parenting Keynote | Germantown, TN

Harvest Church 3645 Forrest Hill-Irene, Germantown

Harvest parents and local guests are welcome to join us on Wednesday, January 11 from 6:00-8:00pm in the Worship Center for our 6th annual Parent Ministry Forum. Tim Kimmel will be speaking. Dinner will be served. There will be no childcare for this event.

Grandparenting Event | Hot Springs, AR

First Hot Springs 2350 Central Ave, Hot Springs

Dr. Tim Kimmel will offer a crash course in Extreme Grandparenting. Join us for a great day of learning your role as a grandparent and how you can be a great example of God's grace in your adult children and grandchildren's lives. More info to come!

1 Day Parenting Event | Lake Elmo, MN

Rockpoint Church 5825 Kelvin Ave N, Lake Elmo

A 1 Day Parenting Conference that will leave you feeling equipped to parent your kids the way God parents us, with grace. Saturday, February 24 (9AM-1PM) Cody Kimmel will be speaking in 3 services on the 25th! Childcare available ages birth-5th grade. $10 per/child $30 family max Pre-register for childcare here: Childcare registration It’s never too […]

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