Tag: mommy guilt

  • Susan Yates
  • February 20, 2015
  • 350
Am I Ruining My Kids?!

  “Help, I feel like I’m ruining my kids!”   If you’ve ever felt this way welcome to the club! I suspect that if we are really honest we will […]

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  • Tamara Collins
  • January 12, 2015
  • 350
Your Love Never Fails

  Just a couple of weeks ago my family enjoyed a concert on the lawn of a local Christian college.  Being outdoors our kids enjoyed the music while also enjoying the freedom […]

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  • Jenny Gillespie
  • November 12, 2014
  • 350
Life is More Than a Report Card

  Parent Teacher Conferences. You either go into them knowing what the teacher is going to say or you are totally blown away {and that isn’t always a good thing}. […]

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  • Stephanie Flies
  • October 23, 2014
  • 350
Reflections of a New Mom | Mommy Guilt

{originally published in 2012}   Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling some (if not all) of the following statements throughout the course of a normal {mommy} day? “I’m […]

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