Tag: chris spradlin

  • Chris Spradlin
  • July 14, 2015
  • 350
Don’t Forget to Have Fun!

I live in a world where I am constantly thinking, dreaming, and trying to crank out content to help parents be the best parents on the face of the planet. […]

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  • Chris Spradlin
  • April 22, 2014
  • 350
I Will Change History!

Our world is in desperate need of a few parents that will stand up, raise their Braveheart sword and scream… I WILL CHANGE HISTORY!! My friend Melissa has struggled with alcohol […]

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  • Karis Murray
  • August 17, 2012
  • 350
A Free E-Book on Purity

We really enjoy hearing from our friend Chris Spradlin, both on his own blog, and in the posts that he writes for us. So, you can imagine how eager we […]

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