Tag: love

  • Grace Based Families Staff
  • July 9, 2015
  • 350
Love is a Five Letter Word :: GRACE

The above file has been designed to be printed in an 8×10 format. What you do with the images is really up to you.  Pin it.  Print it.  Frame it. […]

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  • Jenny Gillespie
  • June 22, 2015
  • 350
Top Ten to Connect

Do you ever look  at your spouse and feel like you’re miles apart? You love them dearly, obviously, but just feel you need to re-connect? Here’s a Top Ten list […]

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  • Tim Kimmel
  • June 19, 2015
  • 350
Love’s Secret Sauce

  As far as weddings go, it’s the best seat in the house. If there wasn’t so much responsibility that goes with occupying it, I’d be inclined to grab it […]

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  • Jenny Gillespie
  • June 18, 2015
  • 350
I’m Still Learning

  I have been married for over 13 years.  You’d think I’d have this whole “wife” thing down by now.   Last year I thought I had this down; I […]

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  • Joey Espinosa
  • June 10, 2015
  • 350
Gospel-Positive Correction

  When your child sins, can you correct him in a positive manner? Can you rebuke his actions in a way that  affirms him in Christ?   Of course, there […]

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  • Edy Sutherland
  • April 9, 2015
  • 350
Blossoms of Hope

We sat still waiting. I whisper to my two daughters, “Can you hear the songs of the many other types of birds?” Suddenly one arrives. The humming sound rouses our […]

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  • Cindi Ferrini
  • April 6, 2015
  • 350
It’s Not HOW I Do it but WHY

  Wouldn’t you love to know how many times you and I have been asked, “HOW do you do it?” I love the proverbial, “If I had a dime for […]

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  • Stacy Edwards
  • February 12, 2015
  • 350
50 Ways to Say I Love You

It doesn’t matter if you’re married or single, young or old, male or female. Everyone wants to be loved. Here are 50 ways you can say I love you, today. […]

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